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© Denny Dunkelberger

47th Reunion

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Suzy Stephens, Kathy Keefer Fink, Karen Moore Maas, Carol Flinspach Yinger, and Marlene Lansman Deringer
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Milan Mamula, Debbie Teeters Birk, Rob Jewett, Pat Hoskinson Thornton, Chery Redinger Halteman, Tom Struckman and Sheryl Petry
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Bruce Humphrey, Sarita Smith Pittman, John Stephens, Jean Monbeck LeBlanc, guest Romeo LeBlanc, Fred Englehardt, and Sylvia Williams
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Sherman Hillelson, Dave Straus and Barry Udis
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Guest Paul Weintritt and Kay Branson Hamilton
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Mike Dungan, Dave Finnell, and Kip Napier
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Mike Dungan, Kip Napier, Dave Finnell, Carolyn Welhener Smith, and Doug Korns
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Howard Krisher, and guest Carol Statkus
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Bill Grimpe, Bob Albaugh, and Ed Pfeiffer
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Steve Rubin and Bob Scheller
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Chad the DJ entertained us with "oldies but goodies" from the 60s


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Eileen Lauderman Hupp and Jean Monbeck LeBlanc
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Guest Ted Fink, Carol Flinspach Yinger, Suzy Stephens, guest Terry Yinger, Karen Moore Maas, Kay Branson Hamilton, and Kathy Iman Potter
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Guests Kathy Napier and Carol Finnell
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Ed Pfeiffer, Joann Jett Chase, Bob Huff, and Sheila Swartzel Negron
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Denny Egger, Bill Grimpe, Joe McCoppin, Bob Scheller, Bob Albaugh, and Larry House
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Chery Redinger Halteman, Eileen Lauderman Hupp, Marlene Lansman Deringer, Kathy Keefer Fink, and Suzy Stephens


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Peggy Miller Stoner, Marilyn Minneman Kellar, Denny Egger, Kay Prinz Juhas, Marlene Lansman Deringer, Eileen Lauderman Hupp, and Karen Moore Maas
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Guest George Kellar ('64) and Marilyn Minneman Kellar
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Dave Finnell, Steve Guy, and Mike Dungan
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Kip Napier and Kathy Keefer Fink
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Kathy Iman Potter, Kay Branson Hamilton, and Carolyn Welhener Smith
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Bob Jewett, Steve Guy, Randy Geel, and Karen Moore Maas
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Eileen Lauderman Hupp and Marlene Lansman Deringer
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Steve Rubin, Denny Egger, Joe McCoppin, Bob Albaugh, and Bob Scheller
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Steve Rubin and the In Memory display dedicated to our classmates who have passed on
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Go Cougars! See you at the 50th in 2015.










©2012 Colonel White H.S. Class of 1965 :: Designed / Maintained by Scott Thompson



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